I've seen this error as well, trying to start cygwin emacs from a cmd
And if I cygstart emacs, a window pops up for a brief instant and then
goes away.


Re: Bug: run emacs: fatal error reading the windows environment

    * From: Kirk Hilliard <kirk at ghoti dot com>
    * To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
    * Date: 03 Mar 2006 15:51:21 -0500
    * Subject: Re: Bug: run emacs: fatal error reading the windows

On Mar  3 21:33, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Is that a native Windows emacs?  A Cygwin emacs shouldn't have any
> problem.

No, it is the cygwin emacs.

``run emacs'' fails with
  12 [main] emacs 900 C:\cygwin\bin\emacs.exe: *** fatal error -
  internal error reading the windows environment --
  too many environment variables?
but when run as ``emacs'' from an xterm it works fine.  What I first
noticed is that it fails silently when launched from a shortcut that
calls ``run emacs'', so I tried that from the xterm to see what was
going on.

I will be surprised if I turn out to be the only one this affects, as
it occurs on two separate machines, one upgraded, the other
re-installed fresh.  (Perhaps not so many people launch emacs from a


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