On 01 March 2006 14:27, Basavaraj Hiremath wrote:

> Hi,
> I am not able to compile "Hello World" program
> using this compiler in CygWin Environment, but I am
> able to compile in Redhat linux enviromnet.
> "arm-wince-pe-gcc foo.c" -> does't
> work(/usr/local/wince/cross-tools/bin/arm-wince-pe-gcc:
> /usr/local/wince/cross-tools/
> bin/arm-wince-pe-gcc: cannot execute binary file)
> Even if I type
>> arm-wince-pe-gcc --v, it give cannot execute binary file.
> am I missing any packages from cygwin?

  Cygwin doesn't actually let you run Linux executable binaries on windows
directly, you have to recompile them from source code - cygwin's job is to
make that step easy by providing all the headers and libs and function calls
that Linux executables need to have provided in order to compile.

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