On Feb 21 13:56, Peter Rehley wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2006, at 11:31 AM, Dave Korn wrote:
> >On 21 February 2006 19:06, Peter Rehley wrote:
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>Well, for my particular hang issue cygwin is hanging inside the
> >>inside_kernel function on the GetModuleFileName call.  I tracked this
> >>down by adding debug statements (strace.prntf) until I got to the
> >>point where the debug print before GetModuleFileName would appear and
> >>the ones after it didn't. This is consistent.  Each hang is happening
> >>at this spot.
> >>
> >>However, this doesn't explain what is happening, but only where.
> >>
> >>I also observed that the times it hung were the only times
> >>inside_kernel was actually called.
> >>
> >>I'm still trying to get more information.
> >>Peter
> >>
> >>p.s. using cygwin snapshot 1.5.19-20060205.

Due to your problem report and some googling, I had some vague idea
yesterday, what the problem could be.  But it's not clear if the very
simple patch I applied yesterday does really change anything with
respect to your problem.

Please test the 2006-02-22 snapshot from http://cygwin.com/snapshots/
and report if you see a change, to the good or to the bad.


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