In another context, Dave Korn writes:

> Have you looked into 'rebaseall' yet?

My reaction: 

 o  Don't know about that, let's look it up.

 o  Try "man rebaseall" in CygWin shell.  No luck.

 o  Try searching Windows 2003 Help.  No luck.

 o  Google search turns up people who are complaining
    about using it or announcing changes to it.

 o  Now clear that it is a CygWin package distributed
    as "rebase"

 o  Verified that "rebase 2.4.2-1" is installed on my box.

 o  Try "man rebase" in CygWin shell.  No luck.

 o  Try looking in online CygWin UG:  Not mentioned
    in the TOC.

 o  Download PDF of user's guide and search for "rebase"
    and "rebaseall".  No hits?

 o  Can't find a "search this site" button on the CygWin
    web site.  Could have sworn there was one.

 o  "rebase --help" produces a one-liner just describing
    the argument syntax without explanation.

 o  "rebaseall --help" produces a couple of sentences
    telling me to shut down things before using it,
    but again, not what it's used for.
I'd like to look into this, but how?

                                   -- Jens Dill

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