On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 12:36:42AM -0600, Dave Bodenstab wrote:
>Is there a reference for what is returned for each windows release?  On my
>only windows (I only have these for a couple of games and the digital cameras)
>systems I get:
> Win98SE   sysname="CYGWIN_98-4.10"
> WinXP     sysname="CYGWIN_NT-5.1"
>I would have expected "XP" rather than "NT"... I thought I read somewhere
>that NT is obsolete or at least unsupported now?  Does the 4.10 or 5.1
>mean anything important?

Don't worry.  Cygwin automatically downgrades your Windows software to
the level that it requires for correct operation -- NT-5.1 in this case.

You're actually pretty lucky since, in many cases, Cygwin may end up
downgrading the OS all the way back to MS-DOS 6.0, and in certain rare
cases straight to CPM.  One person even reported that a Cygwin bug
caused OS "wrapping" and he found himself running FreeBSD, but I think
that might have just been a cockpit error.


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