Lapo Luchini wrote:
> The other problem is that from JNI you can't simply call a cygwin DLL,
> as it wouldn't load his cygwin1.dll dependency correctly and surely dump.
As Dave Korn suggested, we could have used cygload to actualyl load it
"the usual way" as JNI, but we discovered cygload only after pursuing
the other way around.
And, thinking about it, I'm not quite confident I owuld be able to
convert cygload.exe into a cygload.dll loadable as Java JNI 0=)

Good news is that... we were assuming it was a Cygwin problem, but it
was not, we had already (and correctly) avoided that, calling Java from
Cygwin (and not the inverse).

The "real" problem was that libgamin was compiled with "pthreads" and
this seem to be "bad" for Java JNI. Something like that.
I don't really want to know it that much: the simple raw fact that it
now *WORKS* is already sufficient =P


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