> >
> > \[\033]61;[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\H \W>
> >
> > as you can see, only a single ">"
> > [snip]
> You have a bug in your PS1 value.  Bash uses \[ and \] to delimit
> non-printable sequences in the prompt.  So, your PS1 should at least be
> \[\033]61;[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\H \W>
>                    ^^
> Note the closing '\]'.
> Also, ESC] doesn't look like a valid ANSI escape sequence What exactly are
> you trying to accomplish with your prompt?

ESC] starts a sequence for sending a message to the terminal.
In the standard bash prompt from the base-files package, the
sequence: "\[\e]0;\w\a\]" sets up part of the bash prompt
"\[<non-printing chars>\]", with a message to the terminal to
change its title "\e]0;<text>\a" to the working directory "\w".
I have no idea what "\e]61;" in the OP's prompt is trying
to tell the terminal to do, though; I've only ever seen \e]n; for
n=0, 1, or 2, never for n=61.

Eric Blake
volunteer cygwin bash maintainer

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