I'd like to suggest that the boost library is built as the gcc-nocygwin
toolset (which, if I have read the docs correctly, is just an extension
of the gcc toolset) or make available as a seperate package. The reason
behind this is that part of the library, boost::filesystem, do not work
as intended. The library, under the current cygwin build, thinks that
the native path format is *nix style (/usr/blahblah), but correctly it
should be windows format (c:\blahblah).
I've tried modifying the build script to build gcc-nocygwin using the
sources provided by setup.exe, but the build errors out when compiling
part of boost::filesystem (murphy's law must be at work here, determined
to NOT let me use the one part of boost that I want to use). However, if
I remove the -mno-cygwin flag from the g++ command, it compiles fine.
This means thats (as far as I can see) that it compiles fine on gnu g++,
but not on mingw g++.
I'm about to go and attempt to update mingw install in cygwin manually
to see if that will help. Here's hoping I'll defeat murphy's law at
last. I've spent about a day trying to get this library to work :/
>Simon Lam
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