William A. Mahaffey, III writes:

> Would you have a tutorial on using it :-)

See below.  The download command does not resolve dependencies, use
install instead.


$ cyg-apt setup
error: /home/janneke/tmp/cygwin/root no root dir
21:59:13 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp
$ mkdir -p /home/janneke/tmp/cygwin/root
21:59:32 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp
$ cyg-apt setup
creating /home/janneke/tmp/cygwin/root/etc/setup
creating /home/janneke/tmp/cygwin/root/etc/setup/installed.db
getting /home/janneke/tmp/cygwin/root/etc/setup/setup.ini
--21:59:37--  http://gnu.kookel.org/ftp/cygwin/setup.ini
           => `setup.ini'
Resolving gnu.kookel.org...
Connecting to gnu.kookel.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 501,616 (490K) [text/plain]

100%[====================================>] 501,616      106.74K/s    ETA 00:00

21:59:43 (79.36 KB/s) - `setup.ini' saved [501616/501616]

$ cyg-apt install lilypond
to install:
    libXft1 libXft2 ghostscript-base libreadline6 findutils xorg-x11-bin pcre 
pango-runtime libncurses8 glib2-runtime pcre-doc libintl fontconfig 
xorg-x11-base xorg-x11-fnts openssl097 python xterm X-startup-scripts 
xorg-x11-libs-data libncurses7 pango libpng12 xorg-x11-etc ghostscript 
libguile12 freetype2 xorg-x11-bin-lndir zlib libfreetype26 terminfo 
libfontconfig1 termcap pcre-devel tar expat xorg-x11-fenc texinfo xorg-x11-xwin 
mktemp bzip2 crypt gettext coreutils libgdbm3 tcltk libintl1 libintl2 libintl3 
run libbz2_1 libpcre0 xorg-x11-bin-dlls libiconv2 cygwin bash libXft diffutils 
openssl lilypond libdb4.2 _update-info-dir gzip glib2 base-passwd
           => `libXft1-1.0.0-1.tar.bz2'
Resolving gnu.kookel.org...
Connecting to gnu.kookel.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 26,854 (26K) [application/x-bzip2]

100%[====================================>] 26,854        19.77K/s

22:01:52 (19.73 KB/s) - `libXft1-1.0.0-1.tar.bz2' saved [26854/26854]

f7f85f608016fb6fc6f6bf5cd8633d88  libXft1-1.0.0-1.tar.bz2
f7f85f608016fb6fc6f6bf5cd8633d88  libXft1-1.0.0-1.tar.bz2



Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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