Op Wed, 11 Jan 2006 13:45:13 +0100 schreef Corinna Vinschen
in <20060111124513.GO32312<at>calimero.vinschen.de>:
:  On Jan 11 13:41, Bas van Gompel wrote:
[gvim: E233: cannot open display]

: > Is it working for anybody? Am I doing something wromg?

:  Are you running an X terminal?  Did you set $DISPLAY correctly? If the
:  terminal is a remote X terminal, did you allow your Cygwin client to
:  connect (xhost)?

Aargh! An X-app. So I /was/ doing something wrong...
Sorry about the noise.

Thanks. L8r,

Buzz. [Note to self: gtk is xy.]
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