Sorry, I should not have asked about where to put the downloaded files; of course that would not matter given that the argument to tar includes the path to the downloads.

BUT: The "How do I install snapshots?" FAQ answer is still unclear. It says:

  Before installing a snapshot, you must first Close all Cygwin
  applications, including shells and services (e.g. inetd, sshd), before
  updating cygwin1.dll....

   1. Download the snapshot, and run:

      cd /
      tar ...
      cd /tmp
      tar ...

   2. After closing all Cygwin apps (see above), use Explorer or the
      Windows command shell to move C:\cygwin\tmp\usr\bin\cygwin1.dll to

So once again I ask for clarification. I really do think it's a very simple and perfectly straightforward question: Does one run those 4 commands in Step 1 from a Windows command prompt or from within Cygwin?

Dave Korn wrote:
Murray Eisenberg wrote:

[Murray, let's keep this thread on-list please.]

Sorry, I don't understand your reply, either.

To put it very simply:  To intstall the snapshot:

   (1) Where do I put the downloaded snapshot files?

  You can put them where-ever you like.  That's why the tar command is written
with an argument of "/posix/path/to/cygwin-inst-YYYYMMDD.tar.bz2": that
doesn't mean you literally write /posix/path/to....., it means you replace
that bit with the path to where-ever you wanted to download them to.

   (2) Do I run the 4 listed commands from a Windows command prompt,
       or instead from within Cygwin.

  As it says in the FAQ, ...

1)  download the snapshot and run these commands
2)  shut down all cygwin apps and move the final file into place.

 ... so why do you keep asking if 2) comes before 1)?

  And if 2) doesn't come before 1), why would you worry about having a cygwin
app running at stage 1) if you don't have to "shut down all cygwin apps" until
stage 2)?


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