On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 02:45:59PM -0600, Van Sickle, Gary wrote:
>In both cases tar *is* executed and works fine.  Due to the Van Sickle
>Exclusion Principle (a bug and a debugging tool capable of providing
>insight into that bug cannot occupy the same hardware at the same
>time), not running under strace brings the problem back, and I get the
>following (i.e.  Corinna's new error message):
>bash-3.00$ tar --help
>      5 [main] bash 4092 fhandler_dev_zero::fixup_mmap_after_fork: requested 
> 0x4D0000 != 0x0 mem alloc base 0x4D0000, state 0x1000, size 20480, Win32 
> error 487
>C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe (4092): *** recreate_mmaps_after_fork_failed

How does the new snapshot look?  Corinna and I were able to duplicate
this previously but the new snapshot seems to have fixed the problem.


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