Andrew DeFaria wrote:
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:

Andrew DeFaria wrote:

However I'd like PerlTk to fall back to using Windows widgets much like rxvt will do a Windows window if there is no X server to connect to.

Just how rxvt manages to use both X11 and Win32GUI is unique, as has been discussed before at length. Don't expect anything else X11 based to do that on Cygwin.

perl-Tk is X11-based because it *does not compile* on Cygwin for Win32. PTC.

I know that this is doable because I'm using ccperl (a Perl from IBM/Rational that comes with it's Clearcase product). It would be super cool if this worked.

How does this prove that it's possible?

Just think, one would be able to easily write GUI apps from Perl to run natively on Windows...

If that's what you want, then it's already possible with ActivePerl, which IIRC includes Tk OOTB.

Now you're proving my point. It's clear that both ActivePerl and IBM Rational's ccperl (which is based off of ActiveState Perl BTW) can do it therefore that's the exact prove that it's possible - isn't it?

Almost anything is possible with the right amount of effort and know-how.
The point is that there is significant work to get this to work right in
the Cygwin environment.  The code isn't set up to handle both POSIXy/UNIXy
and Windows environments simultaneously.  Neither of the above two are
doing this.  Theirs are Windows ports only.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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