Debbie Tropiano wrote:
> It was reported to me that "If you install Windows XP svc pack 2 and
> then install Cygwin, it will lock out permissions to the Administrator
> on many of the critical file folders.   We did not receive an uninstall
> executable to undo the damage, so all we can do is reinstall the OS from
> scratch and reconfigure all the settings on the PCs."

Bad report, many of us have Windows XP sp2 and Cygwin working fine, and since
Cygwin's installation doesn't change _anything_ of the Administrator user it is
unlikely that Cygwin will do what is described.

You'll have to look closer to what they did, what user was loged in to install
Cygwin, what else did that user do, what are the "critical file folders" they
refer to.

Your procedure seems fine, you can install from a CD that contains a repository
of the packages and the setup.exe installer.  Then follow a few simple
instructions to use the CD instead of a network connection and select first the
basic packages (nothing to select really, just finish the installation) and any
other packages wanted.  To really finish the installation they'll probably have
to run some scripts (openssh, inetools, etc. have those requirements).

René Berber

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