On Nov 17 20:08, JMCColorado wrote:
> René Berber <r.berber <at> computer.org> writes:
> >   http://chrootssh.sourceforge.net/
> I have heard that CHRoot might work, but I have also heard that it
> still allows someone to SCP outside of where they can SSH to.

The chroot system call only works inside Cygwin.  As soon as Windows
native tools are involved, you've lost since a chroot concept just
doesn't exist on Windows.

> I need to ensure that the user can't get anywhere but the one
> directory I want them to have access to. Unfortunately, with Windows
> giving "Everyone" access to just about everything, this seems very
> difficult to do.
> Any more ideas?

As I said, as the administrator you're resonsible to set the permissions
correctly.  It's not as simple as "everyone has access".  There are
knowledge base articles and white papers from Microsoft about
controlling user access.


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