Thorsten Glaser wrote:

Gerrit P. Haase dixit:

Yes.  Fritz Box Fon.

These block 445/tcp/ipv4 totally, non-disablable and undocumentedly,
just to "protect" some Windows® systems.

I cannot believe it.  Are there other ports blocked which I should be
aware of?

I have no idea. We just found this out by accident - I was at a
friend's place and wanted to install him jupp (a joe-editor fork,
another piece of code by me)...

What about a written inquiry to AVM?

It is incredible annoying to be patronized like a child, at least it
should be possible to disable the blocking.   However, I have not much
interest to start a discussion with AVM, and I have the option to use
another line with another router which doesn't block any port.

I found all Netbios ports but 445 configured in the main configuration
file of the box, I could disable the blocking of 135 and 137-139 but
not 445.


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