Satish Balay wrote:

> According to Jason's post, --enable-auto-image-base is been in use for
> a while.  [Since python doesn't always work without rebaseall] - is
> there some other issue with this approach? [mabye some dependent
> package should be built with --enable-auto-image-base - but it isn't?]

It is used for python itself, but it's not used for DLLs in other
packages that python modules might load.  That is why you still have to
rebaseall for python to work.  In order to completely retire rebaseall,
*every* package that contains a DLL must be compiled with this option.

Of course in reality, not every DLL necessarily *has* to be rebased,
only those that might be dynamically loaded at runtime, and even then
it's not always necessary.  But it's hard to determine which particular
cases those might be, and so in the general case you have to assign a
unique base address to every DLL.

> So if rebase is done - any package with a dll would have to trigger a
> rebase? I agree - if every update would trigger this - its not good.

Given the current method that rebaseall uses, yes, in theory it is
necessary to rerun rebaseall any time any DLL is modified.  But in
practice of course this is not true - as evidenced by the fact that many
(most?) cygwin users never even have to deal with rebasing.  This is why
it's so much easier to say "run rebaseall if/when you get this error"
than to definitively and automatically solve the problem so that it has
no possibility of ever occuring.


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