I just installed the new cygwin 

Uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 W2KZVPKC03 1.5.18(0.132/4/2) 2005-07-02 20:30 i686 unknown
unknown Cygwin

And everything seems to be working properly at the exception of the
xwindows KDE file manager.
When I click on the Home button the system pops the window up but closes
it immediately When I look at the processes it is no longer there.
If I try to run it from a bash shell I get

sh-3.00$ kfmclient openProfile filemanagement kio (KSycoca): no kapp
available kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from
/var/tmp/kdecache-kzvpkc/ksycoca kio (KTrader): query for
inode/directory, KParts/ReadOnlyPart : returning 8 offers

Any Help would be appreciated.


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