Eric Blake wrote:
> Setup requires a reboot only when Windows reports that a file that was
> being replaced was in use at the time.  Therefore, if setup requires a
> reboot, then you didn't properly shut down all cygwin services,
> and apps.

Probably true 99.9% of the time, although couldn't it also be
possible that another Windows program is opening a Cygwin file
in a mode that prevents deletion? (I haven't tried it, but I
wouldn't be surprised to get this message if you're viewing a
directory that is being uninstalled.)

Herb Martin wrote:
> So what is the method to teach Setup that the file has been updated.

Have you tried simply uninstalling the Cygwin package? If you
installed the new one into another location, you presumably
don't need or want the other one. For most packages at least,
SETUP doesn't automatically try to update it if you haven't
installed it.


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