Bbn wrote:
> I have an old laptop with a broken hard-drive. I want to boot it with a very
> light linux, like ubuntu or Kaella (Knoppix for french). Then, I want to
> connect to my XP desktop using cygwin.

If you mean that you want to display your native Windows desktop on the
laptop running linux, then that's impossible with X11.  You must use rdp
or vnc, which are both unrelated to cygwin.

If you mean that you want to ssh into your desktop from the laptop and
then  run Cygwin apps on the desktop with the DISPLAY set to the
laptop's X11 server, then that will work fine.  There's nothing cygwin
specific about this, other than perhaps installing sshd (run
ssh-host-config script.)  Then ssh as you would to any other unix
system.  See the Cygwin/X faq.  If you have further questions relating
to X11 and Cygwin then you should use the cygwin-xfree (at)
list instead of this one.


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