At 11:14 PM 9/26/2005, you wrote:
>Larry Hall writes:
>> At 10:33 AM 9/25/2005, you wrote:
>> >Hello readers!
>> >
>> >I'm having some continuous problems with rsync/ssh in Windows (cygwin)
>> >environment. For some reason, ssh raises a "Socket operation on
>> >non-socket" error when I try to transfer files with rsync over ssh. I can
>> >connect to the server directly with ssh without any problems, so ssh works
>> >properly in general.
>> >
>> >I tried to search web for similar cases and found that also other users
>> >have had this problem. I couldn't find any solution yet.
>> >
>> >All tips and tricks are welcome, I'm also happy to give more information
>> >if needed.
>> You should always provide the information requested in:
>> >Problem reports:
>I'm having a similar problem.  The results of cygcheck.svr are at the end of
>this message.
>The symptoms are this:
>1. ssh-add gives these messages when trying to set a passphrase:
>    bash% eval $(ssh-agent -s)
>    Agent pid 908
>    bash% ssh-add
>    Enter passphrase for /home/Pablo/.ssh/id_dsa:
>    Error reading response length from authentication socket.
>    Error writing to authentication socket.
>    Could not add identity: /home/Pablo/.ssh/id_dsa

I don't see that, although I'm using an RSA(2) key.  Do you see the same
thing with RSA keys?  Also, I notice that your home directory is mounted as 
text.  You might want to try mounting at least your .ssh directory as 
binary.  It's not clear to me that either of these two things are very 
significant but they are differences between our two environments.  If you 
do go the binary mount route, make sure you run 'd2u' on the text files in 
the affected directories.

>2. rsync hangs at random.  Most hangs appear to be with either large files
>(15-20MB) or zero-length files.  If it hangs on a file once, it will probably
>hang on the same file on the next try.  If I delete or manually sync the file,
>rsync moves on and transfers more files before succeeding or hanging again. 
>Intrestingly, it hangs MORE often with local transfers than over ssh.

This sounds to me like the age-old rsync problems.  You can read about them 
in the email archives.

>I want to blame both symptoms on the same problem, but when I think about it, I
>think problem 2 occured first then, after updating cygwin, problem 1 occured. 
>The thing that made me think that they were related is that they may both have
>to do with sockets.

Maybe.  If you think the ssh problem started after an upgrade, can you 
pinpoint what changed there?

>I tried completely removing c:\cygwin and re-installing from scratch, but it 
>no help.  Is there any way to completely scrub cygwin from my system (including
>registry entries) so that I can re-install cleanly?


>> That said, did you read and follow the following thread to it's 
>> resolution?
>> <>
>That thread made me wonder if Norton Antivirus might be involved.  I tried
>adding rsync, ssh, sshd, and ssh-agent to the worm exclusion list, but that
>didn't help.  If anybody thinks it might help, I could completely un-install
>NAV, but I'd rather not muck with de-installing and re-installing NAV, since it
>messes up the subscription info when you do that.

It couldn't hurt to try.  I don't run NAV on my end (although I do run AV

>Now, the result of cygcheck -svr:

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Please don't embed it.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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