Hello -

I've been installing Cygwin in our computing lab and while the Windows XP
installs have been fine, I've been getting some weird results on our
Windows 2000 systems.  I read the FAQ, but was wondering if there are
some gotchas for Windows 2000 that I've missed.

Some extra pertinent info:
        Since it's a closed network, I downloaded the install, burned it
        to CD and have been running setup.exe after copying everything to
        the target system.  The install seems to work OK, except that on
        the Windows 2000 systems only the bash icon shows up on the desktop
        even when selecting for all icons (sometimes that query doesn't
        even come up at the end of the install tho').

        Since it's a lab, these are all shared systems.  Generally we're
        able to run startxwin.bat the first time with no problems, but the
        leftover file and directory under /tmp are a problem.

        I am a *NIX admin, so not highly versed in Windows (but learning
        more and more everyday :-).

Any help would be appreciated,
| Debbie Tropiano                            |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Environmental Sciences Laboratory          |     +1 512 835 3367 w       |
| Applied Research Laboratories of UT Austin |     +1 512 835 3544 fax     |
| P.O. Box 8029, Austin, TX 78713-8029       | home email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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