On 9/23/05, PSP Blizz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/23/05, Dave Korn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   I think this is hardware trouble.  Try some cooling spray on the CPU when
> > it's malfunctioning.  I really don't think this is likely to be a cygwin
> > bug.

> The laptop was also places on "stilts" to allow for good ventilation
> below it also.
> Googling Dell Lattitude D800 shows that heat is a problem with these
> machines, but I don't think that 75 degrees is that extreeme for a
> laptop?

Spoke to DELL, they will replace the heatsink on tuesday. Will try
again then. I did a clean reinstall of XP and still the problem is
present. So now I'll have to put my trust in DELL.

I'll report back when the DELL technician has been here.


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