On Sun, Sep 18, 2005 at 11:07:58PM -0700, Nick Andrade wrote:
>The current version available in cygwin of naim, the ncurses instant 
>messenger client, is no longer working.  This is because AOL has moved 
>from TOC to TOC2.  There is a patched version available here: 
>http://naimdoc.net/index.php/TOC_Issues and I have built it on my Gentoo 
>box, but it won't compile on my Windows machines running Cygwin (all 
>necessary libraries are present, but make fails).  I'm not sure if this 
>is the right group for support, but any help is appreciated.  Is there 
>any alternate version of naim for cygwin besides those that I see in 

Actually, we're currently without a maintainer for 'naim' so unless
someone wants to step up in the next month or so, 'naim' is in danger of
being removed from the cygwin distribution.

If you, or someone else wants to maintain naim, please send mail to the
cygwin-apps (a subscriber-only mailing list) indicating your intent.

You can peruse http://cygwin.com/setup.html and the cygwin-apps mailing list
archives at http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps to see what's required.


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