Cygwin itself is case preserving, but case insensitive. Other tools are not so
flexible on case. In my case I have some issues with incorrect case and my 

Consider if I had a directory /foo/BAR. Cygwin will let you actually do "cd
/Foo/bar" and work happily. Pwd will actually return "/Foo/bar" instead of the
real path in this case.

It would be really helpful to have a way given a string like "/Foo/bar" to
convert that to the real correct case "/foo/BAR".

But I'm having trouble finding an easy, convenient way to do that. As I said pwd
doesn't do it nor does cygpath.

One way that works is to turn the path into a pattern. You can do "ls /Foo/bar*"
but that will return multiple strings if there is more than one file that starts
with BAR. You can do "ls /Foo/ba[r]" but then how do I easily add the brackets
into the string? I've tried various things with find, but none do the 

Anyone have a good idea how to do this conversion.

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