On Sun, 4 Sep 2005, Brian Dessent wrote:

Mike Miller wrote:

A message of mine was rejected today and I received the "failure notice" below. There was nothing wrong with my message and there was no obvious reason for it to have been rejected.

Um, did you try actually reading what the bounce said?

Sorry, your message has been denied due to keywords found in your
subject.  This is probably due to an off-topic post.
Subject: xterm and rxvt titles and icon names

There is a mailing list for X11-related topics. It's cygwin-xfree <at> cygwin.com. It's off-topic for cygwin <at> cygwin.com.

As to the other problems: Attachments are fine. HTML email though is forbidden. The reason for the rejection will be stated in the bounce.

Um, yes, of course I read what it said.

If you don't want to confuse people, and your mailer rejects messages about xterm and rxvt because it wants them to to go cygwin-xfree, then why not tell the sender that their message seems more appropriate for cygwin-xfree? I think to say that it is "off topic" is not very helpful -- it certainly looked like a mistake to me because my message was about cygwin.

In cygwin, rxvt works without X11 and I have the same problem with rxvt without X11 as I have with X11. I think it is quite a stretch to call a question about rxvt on cygwin "off topic" on this [EMAIL PROTECTED] list!!


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