Very many thanks, Igor. Yes, when thinking UNIX the answer is sort of obvious - it is good to revise old knowledge! Best wishes, Peter

On Aug 30 2005, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

On Tue, 30 Aug 2005, PJ Halls wrote:

> Having had the Cygwin environment on several staff systems for some
> time, we now desire to roll this out into classrooms but have hit a
> problem.
> For our classrooms, it is policy that all managed software be installed
> on read-only drives / C: partitions to prevent students meddling.
> However, for Cygwin to run it must have write access to /tmp and
> /var/tmp.  Is there any way to 'redirect' these essentials from the
> Cygwin home space onto, for example, C:/temp (which is the only part of
> C: to which we permit our students write access)?

"man mount" and/or <>.

You may also need to redirect /home (the default /etc/profile may try to
create a directory for the student there), and maybe others, too.

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