Ramasubramanian Ramesh wrote:

> Thank you for raising the important point of services. I am not much of
> an expert in windows and thus did not even know about "services" package
> or its need. I also do not know much about SYSTEM/ntsec and how win xp
> works. Thus I expected setup.exe to  install services or anything else
> needed by deafult when I choose inetd/xinetd. Thus I did not know that I
> need to run the daemons any different.

Setup does not install services because they can often contain
configuration decisions that the user needs to make.  Most packages that
are meant to be run as a service come with some kind of install script
that you can run to take care of the details.  In the case of xinetd
though, its config script (/usr/bin/xinetd-config) does not install a
service.  I'm not sure why that is the case, but it seems that the
packager expects you to run it from the sysvinit manager instead.

Regardless, it's simple to install with cygrunsrv which is the Cygwin
tool for dealing with services.

cygrunsrv --install xinetd --path /usr/sbin/xinetd --disp "Cygwin xinetd
cygrunsrv --start xinetd

Note that if you've previously run xinetd as a normal user, the
permissions on the logfile (default /var/log/servicelog) will be
incorrect and the service won't start.  If this is the case you'll need
to either delete the file or set the permissions correctly.

> My fault in not reading /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/login.README is due to the
> way I looked for docs. In Linux the docs are placed under
> /usr/share/doc/<command_name>. Thus I looked for /usr/share/doc/login...
> I should have done a find. I will be more careful next time.

In the Cygwin packaging scheme, /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/*package* contains
Cygwin-specific package information, and /usr/share/doc/*package*
contains the upstream documentation for the package.  Some older
packages still use /usr/doc instead of /usr/share/doc, so there can be a
number of places to look.  A shortcut is just to run "cygcheck -l
package" which will show you all of the files associcated with the


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