Ok, i'll reinstall the driver, the strange thg is that wintar-scsi works fine !?
to be continued....

From: Corinna Vinschen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: cygwin@cygwin.com
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: Re: Unable to read/write to a tape with tar
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 13:38:12 +0200

On Aug 23 09:17, cyril bonnard wrote:
> So here we are again ;-)
> the output:
> $ strace -o d:/stracemt mt -f /dev/st0 status
> mt: /dev/st0: Invalid request code
> $ strace -o d:/stracetar tar -cvf /dev/st0 d:/importPy
> d:/importPy/
> d:/importPy/a.py
> d:/importPy/a.pyc
> d:/importPy/a.py~
> d:/importPy/b.py
> d:/importPy/b.py~
> d:/importPy/Copie de a.py
> d:/importPy/Copie de a.pyc
> d:/importPy/Copie de a.py~
> d:/importPy/Copie de b.py
> d:/importPy/Copie de b.py~
> tar: /dev/st0: Wrote only 0 of 10240 bytes
> tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Well, I had a look into the straces and it's really weird.  Opening
the tape device works fine, but calling any of the Win32 tape functions
(for instance GetTapeParameter) results in a Win32 error 1, "Incorrect
function".  I can't change anything in Cygwin to circumvent this and
I can't get any further information.  It's just this, no Win32 tape
access function is working.

This is really unexpected.  I'm wondering if something's broken in your
configuration.  Maybe the driver is broken?  Perhaps you should try to
reinstall it or something.

Sorry if that's no help,

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          mailto:cygwin@cygwin.com
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