That's not good enough for scripting.  First of all, the command is not so
simple (you have to grep -v grep also - so that the same script works on
Unix systems) and if you have small PID number like 14, that will likely
return lots of other processes (like 114, etc).  Also, the same <PID>
appears in the PPID column if it has children.  Some Unix variants might not
have a space in the ps output between the PID and previous or next column
when one of the column's data is larger than the specified printf format.

So your command is not reliable enough for scripting and is also very slow
on large Unix systems with 1000's of processes running.  ps -p <PID> is
immediate, reliable, and portable (it's SYSV/SVR4 standard).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carlo Florendo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:22 PM
> To: Don Beusee
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: ps -p <pid>
> Don Beusee wrote:
> >Can you add the -p <pid> option?  All flavors of Unix these 
> days allows 
> >you to specify which PID to ps.
> >  
> >
> ps | grep <pid>
> --
> Carlo Florendo
> Astra Philippines Inc.

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