Dave Korn wrote:
> ----Original Message----
>> From: Thrall, Bryan
>> Sent: 22 July 2005 16:26
>> Is there any reason why a file should *not* be written to if it has
>> the Hidden attribute?
>   Because it's hidden.  HTH!
>     cheers,
>       DaveK
> --
> Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

Ah, but then Cygwin shouldn't find it to read in the first place, right?
I can "cat hiddenfile," "cp hiddenfile otherfile," and view hidden files
in vi and xemacs to my heart's content -- just not write them.

I'm not super familiar with Windows-style attributes, so does the formal
definition of Hidden include "can't modify"? These days, it would seem
to have more of the expected "show me/hide me" semantics (at least in
XP), which is why I was surprised I couldn't modify Hidden files.

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International

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