----Original Message----
>From: Igor Pechtchanski
>Sent: 12 July 2005 18:02
> On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Dave Korn wrote:
>> ----Original Message----
>>> From: fergus
>>> Sent: 12 July 2005 17:31
>>> I have just upgraded to coreutils-5.3.0-8 and I find hat I have lost
>>> cp, ls, md5sum executables to name just a few. Windows Explorer shows
>>> that these no longer exist in /bin/. Anything I can or should do, or
>>> should have done differently?
>>   Well, I think the first thing you should have done differently is,
>> before you even began, asked yourself "Why am I doing this?" (upgrading
>> your coreutils, that s). 
>>   Why did you do it?
> As if setup leaves you any choice.  <http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#WJM>.

  You have the choice of whether or not to run setup.  As per my other post,
I defy anyone to justify, in practical cost-benefit analysis terms, the
habit of frequently re-running setup.

> FWIW, looks like the coreutils upload didn't get the actual package
> tarball -- see <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2005-07/msg00171.html>.

  LOL, that's actually quite funny!

  Fergus, you'd better rollback your coreutils until it's fixed :)

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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