
I was just looking in /var/log/nfsd.log under Cygwin, and I am seeing
lots of errors:

auth_clnt.c 352 : Unable to seteuid(1000):  no such process


ohaya wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to configure Cygwin NFS running on a Windows 2003
> Server machine (machine: testwin2k3) to export directories so that I can
> eventually use these directories as home directories on Solaris
> machines.
> I got Cygwin and Cygwin NFS installed, and somewhat working, but am
> having problems with the uids of files being created on the NFS
> directories.
> On my test Solaris system, I have a test user, "jim1", with uid=1000 and
> gid=1000.  In Cygwin NFS, I have /etc/exports configured to export
> "/hometest/jim1" to machine with IP address (for now):
> /hometest/jim1,...)
> I was finally able to get "su - jim1" on the Solaris machine to work,
> and I can see that it has indeed mounted the directory that I exported
> from Cygwin NFS.
> However, if I try to create a file after "su - jim1", the uid on the
> file is set to nobody (uid=18?).  The gid seems to be ok, it's just the
> uid on the files that seems to be wrong.
> I've tried to add a "map_static=/etc/nfs/server.map-jim1":
> /hometest/jim1,map_static=/etc/nfs/server.map-jim1)
>  where the /etc/nfs/server.map-jim1 file has:
> uid     18      1000
> gid     1000    1000
> uid     1000    1000
> gid     1000    1000
> but, to no avail.
> I've also tried setting "anonuid=1000,anongid=1000", but got the same
> results.
> I've restarted the 3 Cygwin services in between each server.map and
> exports change, but no matter what I've tried :(...
> Can anyone tell me how I can get Cygwin NFS to set the uid on the files
> properly, to uid=1000?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jim

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