Iam trying to build an application that requries a static cygwin
library and a windows dynamic library. The static library(.a) is a
native Cygwin library and the dynamic libary (.dll) is an external
dynamic library of windows. When i build my cygwin applicatio using
gcc in cygwin it builds well and also links well. But while running
the static library of cygwin breaks throwing out some "not found"
errors. Is that possible to build such an application in CYGWIN/X that
requires a native static library of Cygwin and an external dynamic
libary of windows(XP).

/********make file sample line *******/
gcc -o test.exe test.o -lglut ../xxx.lib -mwindows 


libglut.a ------ native cygwin static library
xxx.lib ---------- external windows dynamic library (xxx.dll)

Do i need to add any compilation or linking options

Kaliraj Kalaichelvan

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