On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 01:09:21PM -0700, Peter Rehley wrote:
>My tests indicated that the changes are working correctly.

You did try the snapshot, right?  I neglected to mention that I had to
make some corresponding changes to the DLL beyond the below changes.
I don't know exactly when I did that.  I made the below changes on 6/9
but I made more changes on 6/11.  So, any snapshot since that time
would have these changes.

>On Jun 30, 2005, at 8:23 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>We're coming close to a 1.5.18 release.  Please try the latest snapshot
>>at http://cygwin.com/snapshots/ and help verify that there are no
>>regresions against 1.5.17.
>>I'm particularly interested in hearing if the changes made (at users's
>>requests) to the default mutex handling in pthread.h are working
>>correctly.  Specifically, does this:
>>Index: include/pthread.h
>>RCS file: /cvs/uberbaum/winsup/cygwin/include/pthread.h,v
>>retrieving revision 1.21
>>retrieving revision 1.23
>>diff -u -d -1 -r1.21 -r1.23
>>--- include/pthread.h   2 May 2005 03:50:09 -0000       1.21
>>+++ include/pthread.h   11 Jun 2005 04:56:36 -0000      1.23
>>@@ -55,3 +55,3 @@
>> /* this should be too low to ever be a valid address */
>>do what was requested?  This simple change required a lot of changes in
>>the cygwin test suite so I'm not entirely convinced that it was a good
>>thing yet.

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