----Original Message----
>From: Will Parsons
>Sent: 01 July 2005 17:35

> René Berber wrote:
>> Will Parsons wrote:
>> [snip]
>>>> If the answer to my above question is yes, then you have to enable
>>>> sshd use of port 22 on Windows XP's own firewall.  Otherwise, I don't
>>>> know, but "connection refused" means something is listening on that
>>>> port and refusing connections so 
>>> I think "connection refused" is the message you get when *nothing* is
>>> listening on the port.
>> No, you get a timeout when nothing is listening.
> Hmm...  I just tried telnetting to a some Unix/QNX machines where I have
> no telnet or inetd daemon running.  I got "connection refused".
> - Will

  "Connection refused" has a very precise meaning: it means that in response
to the outbound SYN packet, the remote host returned a RST instead of a
SYN/ACK.  This happens when the port in question is closed - nothing
listening - but *not* firewalled.  A firewalled port will return nothing at
all, which is generally referred to as "stealthed", and which will
eventually cause the socket initiating the outbound connection to time out.

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