On Jun 30 15:19, Tony Karakashian wrote:
> I've seen lots of people who got syslog-ng working on their cygwin
> boxes.  Latest version compiles just fine out of the box, but not sure
> what I should put in for a source in the syslog-ng.conf?  Default for
> Linux is to use /proc/kmesg, but we don't have one under Cygwin.  Are
> Cygwin installs limited to remote clients only?

Dunno what you're up to but I'm running syslog from inetutils just
fine.  Cygwin tries to syslog on /dev/log if it's available (it's
usually created by syslog) and there's also a /dev/kmsg pipe which
would be utilized for kernel messages ... *if* Cygwin would have
anything like kernel messages.  Nothing gets sent to /dev/kmsg so far.
Right now it's's only a proof of concept for using mailslots.


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