Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Jun 2005, Will Parsons wrote:
>> Crump, Michael wrote:
>> > When I was trying to get NFS working a few months back I found that if
>> > you have more than one network connection on the server machine all of
>> > the connections have to be enabled and connected to a network.  After
>> > I did this nfs did work.
>> I am not sure what you mean by this - the XP server and FreeBSD client
>> are both connected to an office network via a single Ethernet interface.
> I think this may be a valid point, actually.  The XP server probably has
> other network interfaces defined (dial-up, or wireless if you have a
> laptop, or a VPN of some sort).  Most likely they aren't enabled.  Some
> programs (notably X, but probably the NFS server as well) may latch on to
> the wrong interface, which is disabled.  X has a -from parameter to
> specify which interface to use.  Don't know if NFS has a similar
> parameter, but it may be worth investigating.

I don't think this is the issue - looking under "Network Connections", I
see only "Local Area Connection", Type "LAN or High-Speed Internet", Status

However, after some more experimentation, I see the "ls /xp" eventually
does return, after about 17 minutes.  So it appears as though NFS kind of
works, but so slowly as to be useless.  There is no problem with other
types of network access, e.g., I am logged on to the client machine vai ssh
without problems.

- Will

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