On Wed, 2005-06-22 at 18:17 +0200, Patrick Rotsaert wrote:
> Loading the cygwin1.dll dynamically is certainly an option. I tried it, 
> although I'm not quite sure how to make sure I have "4K of scratch space 
> at the bottom of the stack", like the faq says.

> My test program crashes once cygwin_dll_init is called. :-((

You need cygwin 1.5.18, which hasn't been released yet, for this to
work.  Try the latest snapshot.  Your program looks fine, though
you should do all your argv processing before calling
cygwin_dll_init(), because it will trash your argv and argc.
If you look at the cygload utility (in cygwin CVS), it shows how
to add a new entry point to your program that will put the 4K
closer to the bottom of the stack.

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