"Gerrit P. Haase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 18.06.05 02:22:11:
> Andreas,
> may I point you to the thread with the subject:
> Date: 04-10-31 14:37
> Subject: httpd-2.0.52 (Apache2) testers wanted / maintainer searched
> -> http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2004-10/msg01447.html
> My server is not up, I had a crash and all the files below the server
> root were lost, 
That is bad. Yes I don't get why highly experienced users like you (even having 
the guts to mess with vital core packages like glib!!) don't have backupped 
their stuff. Don't take it too personal, I'm just wondering. :-)

>I hope the build tree was not deleted and I'll find the
> it, if you are interested I would send you the files.  Maybe somone has
> mirrored it?  Max or Jon may have copies?
That would be VERY great.
BTW I can only underline your statement here:

"Since it is time consuming as nothing else to build packages like this one"
Yes, yes and yes!

I thought it was sooo simple (as Apache originates from the Unix world), but 
isn't. The most important thing I want to get working at first place is this 
damn LOGGING!!
If I have logs, I can usually find bugs and/or problems myself, since I know 
WHERE to search for them. But even in lowest level (debug!) 2.0.54 will not 
output any single thing after start - have you found an explanation why this 
could happen?
The server definitely does _not_ run anymore after 1 minute, but 
auto-terminates instead, as "jobs", "ps" and other commands clearly tell a 
story about it like an open book.

It's a blessing that you did this with 2.0.52, as the differences may be 
minimal compared to .39 or .25 or even lower.
In any case, thanks a lot Gerrit for the link! As soon as I have time again 
(probably Monday evening) I will try to re-investigate this!

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