Hi all,

I was just playing with two partitions (m: NTFS, x: FAT32) to check
whether the 4GB limit is still there:

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/m/size.test bs=100M count=47
47+0 Datens"atze ein
47+0 Datens"atze aus
4928307200 bytes (4.9 GB) copied, 290.58 seconds, 17.0 MB/s

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/x/size.test bs=100M count=47
dd: Schreiben von "/x/size.test": No space left on device
41+0 Datens"atze ein
40+0 Datens"atze aus
4194304000 bytes (4.2 GB) copied, 251.469 seconds, 16.7 MB/s

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 t636 1.5.17(0.129/4/2) 2005-05-25 19:38 i686 unknown
unknown Cygwin

Obviously it is. Is this the expected behaviour? I thought using SP2 on
XP eliminates this restriction. Can anybody explain this?


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