yeah, I guess I should have clarified. every journal has their own specific requirements for citation /method/, so that will depend on which publication I decide to submit my article. I was more interested in the content, i.e. author, title, publisher, year, etc. as some projects such as the Weka Machine Learning project ask folks to cite a specific book that they have published.

thanks for the help,


Arturus Magi wrote:

Peter Waltman wrote:

since I used cygwin to implement my masters project (which I'm not getting into publishable form), I'd like to check to see if there is a preferred citation that the mainainers want used when citing cygwin. Do you have one?

Our preferred citation is pretty much irrelevant. Use the same citation method that your instructor/institution requires for any other software (I could get a copy of the MLA citation method for electronic media, but I don't have the time available right now to hunt down my copy of the MLA manual).

For the author, cite the person(s) who wrote the code you're actually citing, if available, or 'Red Hat, et. al.' if you're citing the Cygwin project as a whole.

Publisher is Red Hat (use the full corporate name, as it's not commonly recognized publisher. It should be written out in full in the Cygwin website's copyright notice).

Also, as a note: submitting a masters project may still be considered distribution. You may want to solicit advice from a legal athority, if possible.

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