
On Sun, 12 Jun 2005, Krzysztof Duleba wrote:

> Yes, that's it! mcedit failes after F10 if I used Ctrl + O earlier.
> Sometimes it's not even a stackdump, but an infinite loop with 100% CPU
> usage.
> > In any case - please try
> > using the user menu and then quit to see if you'll manage to crash  MC.
> > Either Ctrl + O or a command from the User Menu (F11) should trigger the
> > crash. Please, report back.
> F11 causes a crash as well.
> I've compiled MC-4.6.1-pre4 and tested it with this case. It crashes. I
> failed to crash the same version on a Linux box this way, though.
> Thanks for investigating it! Is there a cure? Please let me know if you
> find one.

I crafted one:


You can try it if you wish. MC 4.6.1 is to be released very soon - if the
patch is ok it will get included. Once an official MC is released I'll
prepare the Cygwin package.

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