This may not be related in cygwin but since that's where I am seeing it
I will go ahead and ask. I am running gvim 6.3 windows version and
cygwin latest version on XP and 2k which I just installed. Backspace in
insert mode used to delete the char to the left (possibly gvim 6.2 on
linux and another older cygwin on 2k). I have always :set bs=2 in
gvimrc. Now when I hit backspace in insert mode the cursor just moves
over the characters and does not seem to affect them. However, when I go
to command mode (hit escape) the characters are then removed. Looking at
the gvim/vim documenation it never seems to mention that backspace can
delete anything other than possibly eol to joint two lines, nor does it
mention the deferred delete on hitting escape. However, for years I have
used backspace as a immediate delete key, as you can do on the command
line vi mode and as backspace works in the email editor I am typing into
now. Someone in a previous post dismissed this as "the way gvim works"
but no mention was made of the deferred delete occurring when command
mode entered. Anyone here know anything about this or seen this?
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