On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 05:45:47AM +0200, Krzysztof Duleba wrote:
>I've just rerun the tests.  This time I made sure in Task Manager that
>the right shell is used.
>$ cat bench.sh
>benchmark() {
>        package="$1"
>        shell="$2"
>        unset CONFIG_SHELL
>        if [ $shell != "bash" ]; then export CONFIG_SHELL="/bin/$shell";
>        echo "Configuring $package with $shell"
>        time "$package"/configure --prefix=/usr >"$package/confout.$shell"
>        echo
>benchmark "netcat-0.7.1" "sh"
>benchmark "netcat-0.7.1" "bash"
>benchmark "mc-4.6.1-pre4" "sh"
>benchmark "mc-4.6.1-pre4" "bash"
>benchmark "octave-2.1.57" "sh"
>benchmark "octave-2.1.57" "bash"
>$ ./bench.sh
>Configuring netcat-0.7.1 with sh
>real    0m48.519s
>user    1m24.139s
>sys     0m23.826s
>Configuring netcat-0.7.1 with bash
>real    0m52.584s
>user    1m29.344s
>sys     0m29.698s
>Configuring mc-4.6.1-pre4 with sh
>real    1m55.170s
>user    3m25.148s
>sys     0m58.383s
>Configuring mc-4.6.1-pre4 with bash
>real    2m2.551s
>user    3m29.032s
>sys     1m7.058s
>Configuring octave-2.1.57 with sh
>real    2m22.899s
>user    3m59.346s
>sys     1m8.478s
>Configuring octave-2.1.57 with bash
>real    2m30.363s
>user    4m9.959s
>sys     1m23.563s

Thanks for running these.  Would you mind running the same tests after
doing this:

  mount -f -X -b c:/cygwin/bin /bin
  mount -f -X -b c:/cygwin/bin /usr/bin

replacing the 'c:' above, as appropriate.


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