At 10:12 AM 6/10/2005, you wrote:
>----Original Message----
>>From: Larry Hall
>>Sent: 10 June 2005 14:55
>> At 04:56 AM 6/10/2005, you wrote:
>>>>>> Did you run "mkpasswd -c -l", like I told you?
>>> yep, do you mean -c or -d here ? I've done both, -d is
>>> taking forever to resolve, -c does resolve, but I
>>> still get the same incorrect logon when i do -c with mkpasswd and
>>> mkgroup. 
>>> the commands are running, and I see how things should
>>> go I think, but i'm still left wondering, how can
>>> setup.exe do in 1 minute what mkpasswd -d -l >
>>> /etc/passwd is looking to take days or weeks to
>>> complete (there seriously are 10's of thousands of
>>> users on that emea domain so it would take forever at
>>> the speed I was seeing) ?
>> If there is more than 1 domain but you only care about one, you can
>> specify that domain name with '-d' and speed things up a bit.  But if
>> you need all users from all domains, you're stuck with your slow domain.
>  Since Roy is installing cygwin to a whole load of machines, and assuming
>that they're all in the same domain, it ought to be possible to run
>"mkpasswd -d >domain-passwd" and "mkgroup -d >domain-group" just once each,
>bundle the two output files up along with the rest of the distribution he's
>been installing, then on each new machine, after installing, you'd run a
>little script like
>mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd
>mkgroup -l > /etc/group
>cat domain-passwd >> /etc/passwd
>cat domain-group >> /etc/group
>  That ought to speed up the per-machine install time quite nicely,
>shouldn't it?  Or is there some reason it wouldn't work?

Not that I can see.  I'm not sure whether or not Roy's "complaint" was
aimed at the time it takes to do this once or a lamenting of how this 
will slow down a multi-machine rollout in the same domain.  I responded
as if it were the former.  But if it's the latter, your response is more

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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