alex hardy wrote: > Every time I use the ./config comand it does not work.
Huh? This is way too vague to answer. 1. "./config" is not a standard command, do you mean "./configure"? 2. What software (exact version) are you trying to configure/build? 3. What is the exact command that you are typing? 4. What is the exact error that you get? 5. What is your exact system setup (cygcheck -srv output) All of this is outlined at <> which you seriously need to read. > Also re openssl where can I find the file It's not part of openssl. It's included with mod_ssl though, and the first few hits for a google search of "openssl" will turn up instructions for how to obtain and use it. Please consult google. Brian -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: