At 07:22 PM 6/5/2005 -0500, René Berber wrote:
>David Abrahams wrote:
>> I'm hoping someone can help me out.  The smtp server I'm forced (by my
>> ISP) to use,, sometimes doesn't respond for 20 seconds at
>> a time, and since I often send from Gnus -- which is synchronous -- I
>> thought I might avoid locking up my Gnus UI by setting up an Exim
>> daemon to send the messages for me.  I'm behind a Linksys router,
>> which is behind a cablemodem.
>I didn't check all your config but you are missing the most important
part, you
>should have under routers:
>begin routers
>   driver = manualroute
>   transport = remote_smtp
>   route_list = *
>That's the first thing to change, worry later about timeouts or anything

- It would informative to see what happens when you send mail 
  to a specific user. e.g.
    exim -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [exim will then expect input. Type a single Enter to use the default
   headers, then type a test message. End with a single "." on a line. ]
  B.t.w., the output "retry time not reached for any host" is probably
  due to previous messages still timing out. Wipe out all files in
  /var/spool/exim/db to get a clean slate.

- You are not telling us what your isp forces you to do. If you must use (as suggested by René Berber), do you also need to
  authenticate yourself?


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