
$ test -x "/cygdrive/c/Programme/NSIS/NSIS.exe" && echo "executable"

coreutils have special logic for binaries with .exe suffix, which is why
this works.
You mean special logic for windows file permissions (ACL?), not only
using the owner/group/other scheme?

$ perl -e 'if ( ! -x "/cygdrive/c/Programme/NSIS/NSIS.exe" ) {print "not
not executable

Technically the file is not executable:
I beg to differ ;) Technically it depends how you define executable, if
you only know ugo permissions (or whatever this scheme is called)
then it it *not* executable.

If you decide to just test it and try to execute it you will see
that it executes quite well.

So IMHO it is executable, but technically some programs might not
see that because they are looking at the wrong place.

$ id -a
uid=1001(q) gid=513(none)
compare -------------------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^

$ getfacl /cygdrive/c/Programme/NSIS/NSIS.exe
# file: /cygdrive/c/Programme/NSIS/NSIS.exe
# owner: Administratoren
# group: none
with ------------|

So it is executable. But ugo rights do not show this

The permissions on the file indicate that it is only executable by the
owner (Administratoren) which is not the account you are running the
command from.  If you add +x for the group or chown the file it should

I know that I can work around this, but Joe Average might not have
the rights to change the ownership of a file because he might not be in
the Admin group.


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