<running w2k>

I've upgraded to 1.5.16, and installed the latest openssh, using 
the "ssh-host-config -y" script.  I specified CYGWIN be set to:

  binmode tty ntsec smbntsec

When I logon w/simple password authentication, CYGWIN is undefined:

  bash-2.05b $ ssh localhost -l adm_tsr
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
  Last login: Tue May 24 22:58:12 2005 from
  bash-2.05b $ echo "CYGWIN is: [$CYGWIN]"
  CYGWIN is: []

I've gotten this problem after installing sshd repeatedly, on
several different w2k hosts.  I'm guessing I missed the solution
in the mail archives; I did read /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README.

There is also a long delay (15 sec or so) when logging in.

Tom Rodman

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